Work Begins This Week on Kool Farms Facility in Central Franklin Industrial Park

Work is starting in the Central Franklin Industrial Park for the constuction of a the first business to set up shop there.

An official ground breaking took place last week in the park for Kool Farms LLC.

The Mexico-based company purchased 10 acres in the new industrial park off Highway 59 in Carnesville.

A subsidiary of Mexico-based HVAC manufacturer Klean Air in Torreon, Mexico, the company will manufacture cooling cells for poultry houses.

Franklin County Industrial Authority Executive Director Tonya Powers said work on the property begins this week.  Powers said now that their first new industry is going up, the IBA is working to attract more businesses.

“Right now we’re not putting up any spec buildings, but we do have several businesses that are looking at the industrial park,” Powers said. “So, we definitely have a lot of activity and interest in the industrial park. Once the announcement was made that Kool Pro was coming, that sparked a lot of interest. So, we do have a lot of prospects that are looking.”

Kool Farms expects to initially employ 20 – 25 employees and also use robot technology.

Powers said the Company expects to be up and running in 2021.