Voter Registration Ends Today for November Election

Just a reminder, the deadline to register to vote in the November election is today.

If you have not yet registered or if you haven’t voted in a while and are not sure if you are still registered you have until close of business today to register to vote or check with your local registrar or board of elections office.

You can register in several different ways, either in person at the Franklin or Hart County Board of Elections office, on campus if you’re a college student, or at the Driver Services office in Toccoa.

To see if you are still on the voter rolls, you can also go online to the Secretary of State’s web site’s MyVoter page.

Meantime, advanced voting begins Tuesday, October 18 for the November General Election and ends Friday, October 28.

In Franklin County, advance voters can cast ballots at the Franklin County Board of Registrars office on the Royston Highway in Carnesville.

And a reminder that Royston voters will now also cast their ballots at the Franklin County Board of Registrations office in Carnesville.

In February, the Royston City Council voted to return the handling of future Royston elections to the County.

That includes municipal, county, state, and federal elections.

In Hart County, voters can early vote at the Board of Registrars office on Cade. St. in Hartwell.