Vendor Sign Up Underway for Lavonia Fall Festival

Vendors, exhibitors and hobbyists who enjoy participating in Fall Festivals are invited to display their wares at this year’s Lavonia Fall Festival.

The Lavonia Fall Festival takes place Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the downtown area of East and West Main streets.

This Festival continues to grow in size and appeal drawing folks from all over Northeast Georgia and upstate South Carolina.

A major attraction is the opportunity to catch a train ride on the Lavonia Express provided by Hartwell Railroad.

The Lavonia Fall Festival generally features over 80 vendors including food, arts and crafts vendors.

The deadline for food vendors is Sept. 16 and Sept. 19 for all other vendors.

A single 10×10-foot space without electricity is $50; with electricity is $60.  A double 10×20-foot space without electricity is $80 and with electricity is $100.

For information call the Lavonia Chamber of Commerce at 706-356-8202, email lavoni[email protected] or visit for an on-line application. The Chamber office is located at 817 Grogan Street in Lavonia.