Unemployment Rate Up Slightly in Georgia Mountains Region

The Georgia Department of Labor reports that all Regional Commissions recorded a rise in unemployment rates in August.

However, the labor force rose in the Coastal Georgia Regional Commission and Georgia Mountains Regional Commission.

Butler said employment was down in all Regional Commissions last month.

“As we look toward the fall, we are committed to supporting the workforce as employers search for seasonal, full-time, and part-time employees to fill vacancies in preparation for the holiday employment season,” said Commissioner Mark Butler.

In the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, which includes Franklin, Hart, Stephens, and Banks counties, the August preliminary unemployment rate was up three-tenths to 2.7 percent but still lower than the 2.9 percent rate one year ago.

Locally, the latest figures for Franklin County from the Department of Labor show the County’s unemployment rate was 3.1%.

In Hart County, the July unemployment rate was 3%.

The labor force in the Georgia Mtns region was up 91 o-t-m

The number of employed was down 618 o-t-m and down 121,068 o-t-y, to 230,699.

Initial claims were down 198 (-22%) o-t-m, and down 311 (-30%) o-t-y, to 717.

Initial claims were down last month, in Manufacturing and Trade, and down o-t-y in Accommodation and Food Services and Trade.

There were 3,443 jobs posted on Employ Georgia for the Georgia Mountains area in August.