Today Is The Last Day To Early Vote

As we’ve been telling you early voting ends today for the January 5 run-off for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats because of the New Year holiday.


So far, early voting has been heavy for the January 5 run-off for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats.


Voters are deciding between incumbent Republican Senator David Perdue and his challenger Democrat Jon Ossof and incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler and her challenger Democrat Raphael Warnock.


Franklin County voters are going to the Board of Elections and Registration office in Carnesville to vote early.


Election officials there report the first week of early voting was steady.


In Hart County voters are going to the Hart County Rec Department at 200 Clay St. To cast an early ballot. 


All absentee paper ballots must be returned to your local Elections and Registrations office or Registrar’s office no later than 7p Tuesday, January 5th


Additionally, if you received an absentee ballot in the mail and have chosen not to use it, you must return that ballot to your elections or registrar’s office by January 5th.