Toccoa-Stephens Chamber President Bailey Resigns

Wendi Bailey

By Charlie Bauder, WNEG Radio, Toccoa

After eight years on the job, Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber president Wendi Bailey is resigning.

Bailey made the announcement late last week.

Bailey says while she has enjoyed her time with the chamber, it is time for a new chapter.

“We have done a lot at the Chamber, a lot to be proud of,” said Bailey. “The position, I think, deserves freshness, someone to come in with new ideas, fresh ideas, and take the reins, so it is time to pass the baton and move on.”

Bailey has served as Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber Of Commerce president for since September 2006.

Chamber Of Commerce Chair Greg Roach says Bailey has contributed a great deal to the community during her time leading the organization.

“Wendi has accomplished a lot in her tenure,” said Roach. “It was during her stint at the helm that four-star Chamber accreditation was achieved and she had a whole lot to do with that. She has always been enthusiastic about Chamber activities.”

Roach said the chamber board will likely first look to fill the chamber president’s position on an interim basis while the search is conducted for a full-time replacement.

He says the chamber will move forward with business as usual while the search takes place.

“We could turn it into another roadblock in the progression of our community, but if we will go about it right, we will take it as an opportunity for growth and improvement,” said Roach. “Let us take it that way and make the best out of it we can.”

Looking back at her time at the chamber, Bailey says she feels the organization is a strong position to move forward.

“We are 470 members strong,” said Bailey. “That is the most members we have ever had. The Chamber has a rainy day savings account of $17,000.”

Bailey said she is also proud of the Toccoa-Stephens County Tomorrow visioning effort started a couple of years ago, which she said has identified three areas important for the future, economic development, leadership development, and workforce development, and she feels that those are important issues for the community to deal with in the years ahead.

Bailey’s last day is this Friday, August 8.

She said her future plans include volunteering and traveling with her husband, among other things.