St. Mary’s Sacred Heart Eases Visitation Policy

COVID-19 case rates are improving in our area and as a result, St. Mary’s Sacred Heart Hospital in Lavoia has announced they are easing up on some of their visitation requirements effective immediately.

St. Mary’s Healthcare spokesman Mark Ralston said the new visitation policy is also in effect at all of their hospital facilities.

“Because COVID rates are falling in our area, St. Mary’s is able to safely relax our visitor restrictions. So, now patients may have two visitors per day and one may stay overnight,” he said.

Ralston said the new visitation policy will also more in-person interaction between patients and their loved ones.  But while the new visitation policy now allows more visitors some COVID prevention measures are still in place.

“We still require all people entering our hospitals to complete a symptom and exposure risk screening as they come in, and also still require people who are in our hospitals to wear a mask at all times,” he said.

Additionally, Ralson said when visitors come in they must pass a temperature screening.

But for those who have loved ones hospitalized for COVID, must first have approval from the patient’s care team before they can visit.

To get the full visitor information and other patient information for St. Mary’s Healthcare facilities, you can go online to their website at: