Spring is Just Around the Corner, Says General Beauregard Lee

Beau150General Beauregard Lee, Georgia’s official groundhog weather prognisticator, slept in Sunday morning, but when he finally emerged from his warm, cozy mansion at the Yellow River Game Ranch, he DID NOT see his shadow – forcasting an early spring. 

According to Game Ranch officials, Beau was expected to step out onto the porch of his Weathering Heights mansion at 7:30a Sunday morning but did not. 

At 7:55, hundreds of well wishers and spectators waited rather impatiently for Beau to make an appearance. 

Almost an hour later at 8:45a King Carlos and the Royal Family from Medieval Times aroused the 17-year old Ground Hog from his slumber. 

And finally, at 8:58a, General Lee walked out of his den sporting a blue and orange sweater and waving a seahawks banner, though he took a neutral stand on the Big Game’s outcome. 

It was a foggy Sunday morning and General Lee did not see his shadow – so get those garden tools ready..spring is just around the corner. 

Conversley, General Lee’s northern cousin Punxatawney Phil was pulled from his warm den in Cobblers Knob, Pennsylvania and did see his shadow. 

They can expect another four weeks of winter.