SPLOST Town Hall Meetings Begin Today in Franklin County

Just a reminder for Franklin county voters who are interested in learning more about the upcoming special purpose local option sales tax referendum.

County Manager Beth Thomas has scheduled a series of town hall meetings at locations around the county beginning today.

The first two sessions take place today at 11a and 7p at the Carnesville Community Center.

Two more meetings are set for Thursday in Lavonia at the train depot at 11a and again at 6p.

Then on Friday, one session will be conducted at the Royston Public Library at 11a.

Another town hall meeting will take place Monday, October 26 at the Franklin Springs City Hall at 7p and a final session will be held Thursday October 29 at Canon City Hall at 7p.

The county’s current SPLOST doesn’t run out until the end of 2016, but county commissioners are asking voters to approve the next SPLOST a year early.

The early SPLOST, if passed, will allow the county to fund projects and still pay the hospital bond debt.

If the SPLOST does not pass in November, the County will be forced to raise property taxes, according to Thomas.