Scarecrow School Offered Saturday in Hartwell

Scarecrow-ad-horz-001-300x187Once again, the scarecrows are coming to Hartwell and now is the time to learn how to have them in front of your business or home.

Hartwell Downtown Development Authority is sponsoring their annual Scarecrow Bash competition in October but this weekend, those wanting to learn more about how to make the best scarecrow can attend  scarecrow school.

“This is a school to show people how to design and make their scarecrows,” said Hartwell DDA Director Mitch Skelton. “The people who run the school sell the spines to make the scarecrows and they show you how to put them together. So, we’d like everyone to come and in on the scarecrow craze.”

Throughout the month of October, people will be able to vote for their favorite scarecrow display.

The winner will be chosen at the end of October during the annual Halloween Monster Mash and Scarecrow Bash on October 31st.

This is the third year for the scarecrow competition in Hartwell and Skelton said it gets bigger and more popular every year.

The scarecrow class Saturday is free.  If you can’t make this Saturday’s class, two more will be held. 

A class will be held Saturday September 21 at the Recreation Fields and Botanical Gardens and again on September 28th at the Art Center in Hartwell.

For more information on the scarecrow class, you can contact Skelton at 706-376-0188.