Royston City Hall Closed Today for Move

Just a reminder if you live in Royston, the Royston City Hall is closed today for their big move to their new location at 684 Franklin Springs St. which is the current public library.

City manager Greg Scott says anyone needing to pay a utility bill during the move, will still be able to do so.

“They can still pay their utility bills by calling our 800-number or by going to our Web site,” Scott said. “They can also use the drop box in our current location in the Dill’s Shopping Center on Franklin Springs St.  “

Beginning tomorrow, utility customers will be able to pay at the new city hall location.  Scott said there will be a drop box there as well.

While renovations are going on, the city hall and the library will co-exist in the same building until the new library next door is completed.

Scott said the new city hall renovation he said will be completed over the next several months.  The new library is expected to be completed and open by the end of the year.