Royston City Council to Consider Water Tap Fees

Royston City council members will again discuss a change in the way it charges for tapping on to the city’s water line when they meet for their regular meeting tonight.

Last November, city manager Greg Scott told the council  the current way tap fees are calculated is outdated.

“Our water tap fees are old and outdated,” Scott said. “Presently, anything below three inches, we have a set fee for, which means that when it doesn’t cost us as much as the fee, we end up charging people more than we need to get that service to them. Same thing on the other side, if it’s costing us more, then we charge them less than what it’s costing us to put the service in.”

Scott asked that the city be allowed to charge new customers depending on hard it is to tap them on to a water line, but at that time, some city council members said they didn’t see the need to change the fee structure.

Mayor David Jordan suggested looking at a base fee instead and after more discussion, the council voted to turn the matter over to the city water committee for further research.

Tonight the council will get an update from the water committee.

In other business, the city council; will also hear from Police Chief Donnie Boleman on events and hours at the Royston Wellness Park and also discuss a possible expansion to part of the city’s gas line.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 6:30p at the Royston Police Department.