Ribbon Cut on New College and Career Academy

Entrance to the new FC College & Career Academy

Franklin County’s School System now has a new College and Career Academy.

School and County officials held a ribbon cutting and open house Sunday afternoon to officially open new facility, which is replacing aging CTAE classrooms.

Officials broke ground on the new campus last summer and the facility opened to students at the start of this school year.

The Career Academy is divided into several wings. The A-wing houses areas like audio-visual labs and other light labs. The B-wing houses heavy labs such as the automotive lab, construction lab and welding lab, and the C-wing houses the agriculture program.

Along with the labs, there are new classrooms for the labs as well as other CTAE programs, plenty of storage, and most classrooms also have an office for the instructor/teacher.
Altogether, the facility houses 50,000 square feet of learning space.

In addition to being a new place of study for high school students, the College and Career Academy is also available for adult education classes and other professional learning classes.