Rep. Powell – Georgia is in Excellent Economic Shape

State Representative Alan Powell says as the 2024 General Assembly prepares to begin the world is in the worst shape it’s ever been.

Speaking at last week’s Franklin County Chamber Policies and Pastries breakfast, Powell said, however, that by contrast, Georgia is in the best economic shape it’s ever been in.

Powell pointed to a history of Georgia living within its means because of how the State Constitution is written as the reason for its fiscal success.

Powell pointed to two years of a State budget surplus that has resulted in benefits for taxpayers because of the State’s history of fiscal conservatism and planning.

The 2024 General Assembly session got off to a slow start under the Gold Dome on Monday.

With Democratic and Republican leaders already being chosen last year at the start of the two-year legislative term, there were no leadership elections.

Rep. Jon Burns, R-Newington, began his second year as Georgia House speaker, while GOP Lt. Gov. Burt Jones did the same as presiding officer of the state Senate.

The only major business was the passing of resolutions in both houses notifying Governor Brian Kemp that the General Assembly is in session.

Gov Kemp will address a joint session Thursday to deliver his annual State of the State address.

Some of the issues state lawmakers are expected to look at in this session include private school vouchers, legalized gambling, and tort reform.

They will also be looking at what to do with the $16-billion budget surplus mentioned by Powell as well as another $11 billion in undesignated funds.

Capitol News Beat Service Contributed to this story.