Relay for Life Tonight at Franklin County Middle School

relay-for-life-logo1This year’s Franklin County Relay for Life event is coming up tonight at the Franklin County Middle School.

Events get underway on the school’s football field this afternoon at 6p and will continue until 11p.  The evening will begin with the singing of the National Anthem and the Survivor’s and Team Walk.  That will be followed by a performance by the Canon Baptist Church group Sonshine Gang at 7p.

Also at 7p, Caleb Phillips will be demonstrating his expertise with yo-yo’s and at 8p, the Long Family will be performing followed by the Rev Johnny Ray and his wife Dawn singing at 8:30p.

At 9p the Luminary Ceremony will take place in which candles will be lit in memory of cancer victims and in celebration of cancer survivors.

In addition to the walk, singing and luminary ceremony, participants will also be able to enjoy lots of games, a donut eating contest, a silent auction and lots of good food.

Monies raised through tonight’s Relay for Life benefit the American Cancer Society, which uses the money to continue the important work of cancer research, according to Franklin County Relay coordinator Tracey Long.

 “The American Cancer Society does a lot of research,” she said. “Any cancer survivor in Franklin County can say that the American Cancer Society played a huge part in their recovery because of the drugs developed through the research they’ve done.”

According to the Franklin County Relay for Life  Web site, 13 teams and 262 participants have raised $30,677 so far.