It’s that time of year when motorists need to be especially watchful for deer crossing the road or in the road.

According to Charlie Killmaster, Georgia Department of Wildlife deer biologist, this is a peak time for deer movement.

“Motorists should be alert and pay close attention to roadsides as we are nearing the annual peak time of year for deer movement,” said Killmaster. “Keep in mind that deer often travel in groups, so if a deer crosses the road ahead of you there is a good chance that another will follow. In many cases, that second deer is the one hit as the driver assumes the danger has passed and fails to slow down.”

He said there are two main reasons why drivers may see more deer along roads in the fall:

Mating Season – Deer mating season occurs between October and late December, depending on location. Male deer go into “rut” and begin actively searching for mates. This behavior results in an increase in deer movement, bringing them across roadways.

Time Changes – As we begin to “fall back” for daylight savings time, our days become shorter and nights become longer. Rush hour for most commuters tends to fall during the same hours in which white-tailed deer are most active – dawn and dusk.

So to avoid a collision with a deer remember deer are wild and, therefore, can be unpredictable. A deer calmly standing on the side of a road may bolt into or across the road rather than away from it when startled by a vehicle.

One Deer Usually Means More: Always be alert and slow down when a deer crosses the road in front of you. Because deer usually travel in herds it is likely that others will follow.

Note the Time of Day and the Time of Year:  Deer are most active at dawn and dusk – the same time people are commuting to and from work so be extra alert during those times – especially if it’s dark.  And fall is when deer breed and that makes it the peak time for vehicle vs deer collisions.

During the fall breeding season, deer movement increases and this often brings them in contact with roadways that cross their natural habitats.

You can go online for a copy of Georgia’s deer rut map (, which is an excellent tool for motorists to determine local peaks in deer movement.

If it is too late to avoid a collision, drivers are advised to slow down as much as possible to minimize the damage – resist the urge to swerve to avoid the deer, as this may cause further damage, sending drivers off the road or causing a collision with another vehicle.