More Boaters Expected Labor Day Weekend

The Labor Day holiday is expected to bring people to the water to celebrate for one more warm weather weekend. 

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Law Enforcement Division stresses the importance of safety for all boat drivers and passengers.

Georgia DNR Law Enforcement officer Craig Fulgum said despite the high water level this year, boating traffic has not been has high this summer as in years past.

And he said boaters who are on the water appear to be heeding the new BUI laws.

Fulghum said, “It has been a little bit off.  We haven’t seen the boating traffic as high.  I think a lot of that has to do with the temperature and/or every weekend it has been raining it seems.  But for whatever reason this year, I think the media and other factors have played a huge role in the number of boating fatalities.  And our boating under the influence cases are way down. That’s a great thing.”

Fulgum said statewide, the numbers of boating accidents and fatalities are way down from 2012.

Fulghum said, “Those numbers are down drastically.  We’ve had 68 boating incidents, 8 boating-related fatalities, and 22 drownings statewide.   Over the course of this year, 140 BUI arrests.  The numbers are down.  That’s still too many, but they are still considerably down from last year.”     

Fulgum recommends boaters heed a few safety tips in order to make their time on the water safe and enjoyable.

Fulghum said, “Always be a defensive driver while they’re on the water, being more aware of their surroundings.  This weekend, there will be more people on the water because it’s a holiday weekend.  We want people to always want people to always refrain from drinking alcohol while they’re on their boat.  Designate a sober driver while they’re on the on the water.  Find somebody that refrains from drinking all day.  Allow them to be the driver, and go out and have a safe and enjoyable weekend.   

Other tips include:

Wear a life jacket.

Children under 13 years of age are required by law to wear a life jacket while onboard a moving vessel, but it’s recommended for EVERYONE to wear a life jacket. 

Don’t overload your boat with people or equipment.