March of Dimes Kick-Off Set for Tonight in Lavonia

Brittany Parker and twinsThe Lavonia Police Department has been at the forefront of raising money for this year’s Franklin/Stephens County March of Dimes campaign and this evening they will host the official kick-off of this year’s fundraiser.

The 2014 March for Babies for Franklin and Stephens counties takes place in downtown Lavonia at The Depot at 6:30p.   Franklin County’s goal this year is $33,000.

In March, the Department hosted a special breakfast presentation where Police Chief Bruce Carlisle, along with Lavonia Mayor Ralph Owens presented March of Dimes Community Director Kimberly Eldridge with a check for over $5,000.  Eldridge said the money will be used to help fund mobile units, called Angel Too vehicles, in Franklin County.

Carlisle said all of the $5,000 raised by the Department came from the sale of March of Dimes t-shirts, which he said sold out faster than they were expecting.   The Chief said they not only reached their goal but exceeded it.

Carlisle said his department is now assisting other groups in Franklin County with their fund raising efforts for the March of Dimes.

This year’s Franklin County March of Dimes Ambassador Family is Brittany Parker and her twin girls Emma and Ella.   Parker said her twins were born at 25 weeks and have required extensive medical care – care they would not have gotten without the help of the March of Dimes.

“They don’t know why the were so early,” Parker said. “Through the research they’ve done, the March of Dimes allowed me to get them the steroid injections for their lungs. We’ve been through so much; four surgeries for Emma. Hopefully, no other family will have to go through what we’ve gone through, but I’m so thankful for the March of Dimes.”

The actual joint Franklin/Stephens County March for Babies Walk takes place at Tugaloo State Park on October 18.