Legislative report from Rep. Alan Powell for 3-26-19

On Monday, March 18, my colleagues and I resumed our legislative business on Capitol Hill for
Legislative Day 33 and the start of the tenth week of this legislative session.

The House began the week on Monday with the unanimous passage of SB 67 that would allow school
systems which have experienced damage from a fire or natural disaster to immediately qualify for
regular state capital outlay funds, regular advance capital outlay funds and low-wealth capital outlay
funds to repair these damaged school facilities. SB 67 would also create a pathway for schools to qualify
for low-wealth capital outlay grants if the school system’s five-year SPLOST revenue does not generate
enough funding for the local required match to qualify for grants that finance updates, repairs or

Inspired by the nationwide effort to pay tribute our country’s heroes, SB 170 would designate the Honor
and Remember organization’s flag as the state’s official emblem to remember the service and sacrifice
of members in the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty.

SB 17 would provide the groundwork for increasing broadband services throughout our state and
especially in our rural areas. Specifically, this bill would expand the Rural Telephone Cooperative Act by
authorizing nonprofit telephone cooperatives and their broadband affiliates the ability to furnish,
improve and develop broadband services in rural areas.

To continue in our efforts to improve our state’s foster care system, we passed SB 167 which would
enhance court proceedings regarding the custody of children in foster care. This legislation would
increase the amount of preference given to foster parents when the court has exhausted its options for
a child to be placed with a family member or relative.

We completed Legislative Day 35 on Friday, March 22. With only five legislative days remaining in the
session, the House will be busier than ever during this crucial time to guarantee that the legislation
being considered is good policy for Georgia and its citizens.