Lavonia Police to Hold Second Cornhole Competition Tonight

The second leg of the Cornhole with a Cop competition is coming up tonight at the Gazebo in downtown Lavonia.

The first competition took place on October 5 largely between law enforcement divisions and the community.

In announcing the Cornhole with a Cop competitions last month, Chief Shane Edmisten said they were looking for something to involve citizens that would be a little different than past events.

Courtesy Lavonia Police Dept

Chief Edmisten said students from the Stephens County High School shop class made the boards for the police department and then the department had skins made up to put on them.

Edmisten said there are no strict rules, just a fun time for all who participate.

He said the corn hole competition will be held several times a year, with four competitions each time.

After tonight, the next cornhole competitions will take place, on November 2, 2023 at 6:30p at Lavonia City Park behind City Hall (during the 2023 Franklin County Hometown Fair), and then again on November 16, 2023 at 6:30- Downtown Lavonia Gazebo.

Anyone with questions can contact the Lavonia Police Department at 706-367-4848.