Lavonia DDA Plans for Year of Fun Events and Activities

The Lavonia Downtown Development Authority is gearing up for another year of events all designed to showcase the town and what it has to offer.

Lavonia’s theme is Big Time, Small Town and the DDA has a long list of events coming up in 2015 that they hope will a big time for everybody.

At their regular meeting this week, DDA Executive Director Marie Morse outlined some of the upcoming events that begin this month.

“We’re actually starting February 18 with our Arbor Day Celebration,” Morse said. “We also have a lot of concerts going on at the Lavonia Cultural Center. And we will be helping with events at Tugaloo State Park.”

Morse said her office is also planning the town’s annual spring and fall festivals and she said it is not too early to begin planning for this year’s Christmas events downtown.

One of the other ways the town promotes itself is by offering various walking tours.

“Our downtown walking tours start in May and promote them through September when the weather is nice,” she said. “We will be having an open house here at the (train) depot during our spring festival. We typically have over 100 visitors a month here at the depot, but this will be a special time that we’re going to promote that we’re here and that we will be available.”

Morse said one of the most popular walking tours comes in the spring with a tour of the Lavonia City Cemetery.

This year, Morse says the tour will be a little more lively than usual.

“The Cemetery tour is May 17, but we’re going to liven that up a little bit with music and refreshments,” Morse said. ‘The Shoal Creek Stranglers will actually be performing at the cemetery during this event.”

Events in Lavonia begins February 18 with the Arbor Day celebration.  City officials will join members of the community to plant a tree in Memorial Park behind City Hall.  The tree planting begins at 2p.