Lavonia Clinic Expanding Hours to Include Saturdays

The Lavonia Clinic is expanding its hours to include Saturdays.

People driving by the Clinic on SR17 in Lavonia may have noticed the banner announcing the expanded hours.

Lavonia Clinic Office Manager and LPN, Rebecca Thomas said the idea for the Saturday hours came from the desire to help more people.

“We wanted to be able to provide healthcare during non-working hours and weekends for patients who do work and for those patients who find it hard to come during normal business hours,” Thomas said.

The Lavonia Clinic had once offered expanded hours through a third-party medical provider, but Thomas said few people used the service and it was closed.

That service was a walk-in only and was staffed by doctors and nurses who worked for the medical provider, but Thomas said the new Saturday hours will be staffed by current staff nurses and doctors on a rotating basis.

“Before it was just a walk-in type thing, but we are actually going to book appointments,” Thomas said. “We will leave a few spaces for urgent care walk-ins, but we’ll be taking appointments for regular visits. As flu season comes on, we’ll leave openings to be able to treat acute care walk-ins as well.”

Beginning November 1st, weekday hours at the clinic will be 8a to 5:45p, including during the noon hour.

The new Saturday hours at the Lavonia Clinic will begin November 7th from 10a to 3p.

Again, you will need to call for an appointment on Saturdays just like during the week unless it’s an urgent care visit.

For more information, you can contact the Lavonia Clinic at 706-356-1072.