Latexco Selling Off Last of Bedding and Office Equipment at Gerrard Rd Location

Bedding manufacturer Latexco is in the final days of selling everything in their Gerrard Road building.

That includes mattresses, pillows, office supplies, computer monitors, laptops, safety supplies, and tools.

Anyone interested in seeing what is available for sale should call 863-670-7566.

In October, Latexco US announced the closing of its East and West coast production facilities.

“Latexco has been a wonderful industrial partner with the City of Lavonia for more than 16 years. Their investment and participation in our community have made Lavonia, and Franklin County, a better place to work and live. Although I wish that the business environment had worked out more favorably for our friends, I remain grateful that they have been such valuable partners for many years. I wish them much success as they move forward,” said Courtney Umbehant, Mayor of Lavonia.

The Lavonia facility totaling 175,000 square feet will be offered for sale.

Powers said she believes the IBA will be able to fill the space quickly.

Latexco US began operations at its Lavonia headquarters in 2006 with strategic plans for bicoastal expansion to provide both latex and polyurethane foam to the bedding industry.

Latexco was one of three international industries in Franklin County to close up shop in the U.S.

Over the summer, Galko, a manufacturer of cooling systems for the poultry industry closed its doors in the Carnesville Industrial Park and moved its operation back to Mexico.

In November, Alliance Supply and Piping in Lavonia announced it had leased the Galko building with a view toward expanding its operations.

Also, closing in October was Magnaflow/Bosal with operations off Ross Place in Lavonia.