Increased Law Enforcement Presence Planned for Weekend

Hard to believe but Labor Day is upon us and the Georgia Department of Highway Safety and local law enforcement have begun their holiday safety campaign.

In Georgia, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) has launched a zero tolerance campaign against impaired driving.

The effort began August 21st and will run through Labor Day.

That means that if you mark the end of summer with booze and a barbecue, you’ll be lamenting more than the start of a new school year if you get behind the wheel.

Lavonia Police Captain Michael Schulman said as during most holiday weekends, his department will be on extra alert because of the annual rise in impaired driver cases.

Schulman said no matter where you drive in Georgia, if you’re Over The Limit, you’ll be Under Arrest.

This is the second of three Operation Zero Tolerance enforcement periods of the year. Georgia’s campaign is a part of the national “Over the Limit, Under Arrest” program. 

Labor Day also marks the end of the 100 Days of Summer H.E.A.T (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) campaign, an effort by Georgia law enforcement agencies to combat aggressive and impaired drivers.