Hart County Considers Taking Over Corps Campgrounds Set for Closure

Hart County is considering  taking over the running of at least one park on Hartwell Lake that is currently run by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

At their meeting Tuesday night, the board heard from Lonnie Robertson who asked them to consider taking over the Milltown Campground, which Corps is planning to close permanently.

“If those camp sites were open all year round, we would have more people coming to Hartwell and visiting our shops and restaurants, spending money and that would mean more revenue for the city,” she told the board.

Robertson said keeping the campground open would help attract tourists to Hartwell and the lake year round.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spokesperson Billy Birdwell said it is not unusual for a county government to take over the running of a federal campground or recreation area.

“There are local governments that run facilities on our properties,” Birdwell said. “We lease them to the local governments. It’s just like the State DNR leases parks from us around the lakes. The property still belongs to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, but they are under long term lease to the State or local government.”

That lease would be long term, according to Birdwell, and would require a considerable commitment from the county.

Additionally, Hart County would be responsible for all maintenance and upkeep to the grounds for as long as they held the lease from the Corps.

 “The local government would have to meet our criteria for what’s going to happen there, what’s going to be built and how it’s going to be maintained and they have to live up to that agreement. That’s a long-term commitment. We go in 25-50 year increments,” Birdwell said.

County administrator Jon Caime said he has spoken with Corps officials about taking over Milltown and another meeting is planned.

He said if the county took over Milltown, the Corps would likely not allow them to keep items already there.

“I asked specifically for example what happens if a tree falls on a building,” Caime said. “They would remove the tree if it’s unsafe and they would remove any unsafe conditions that are up there, such as the dock and the playground equipment.  They’ll take out any other things that are deemed a potential safety concern.”

 That means the county would have to pay to replace the dock, the playground equipment and then pay to maintain it.

“While taking over a campground or park at Lake Hartwell may seem like a good thing and we are continuing to discuss it, we have to remember that there’s a significant cost in running and maintaining it,” Commissioner Joey Dorsey said.

No decision was made about Milltown at the meeting Tuesday and discussions on taking over Corps operated parks is ongoing.