Hart Charter School Nutrition Program Hosts Photo Competition

The Hart County Charter School Nutrition Program is thanking the 25 cafeteria employees for their effort and energy this year and celebrating their hard work by sponsoring a photo competition.

Nutrition Program Director Courtney Hart said so far, they have prepared and served more than 1,000 students with 12,000 meals this semester.

And because of that, Hart wants to let them know how much they are appreciated by the students they serve.

That’s why she asked the parents in the community to celebrate the employees’ hard work by posting a photo of their child enjoying their school breakfast or lunch.

Hart tells WLHR News cafeteria employees miss seeing students eating in the school cafeteria but it will help them to see photos of those students eating the breakfast or lunch that has been prepared for them.

The deadline to post the photos is every Tuesday and Hart said that winners will receive a prize.

Hart also reminds parents that they must order meals each week between Wednesday and Sunday for the following week.

Any Hart County child ages 0-18 can receive a meal package at no cost.

Order forms are required each week so staff can prepare the proper number of meals to distribute.

For additional information, please visit the Hart County Charter School Nutrition Facebook page, or email Ms. Hart at [email protected].