Hart BOC to Take Up Animal Control Issue Again Tonight

Hart County commissioners will take up the issue of animal control when they meet for their regular meeting this evening.

The county has been working towards coming up with some sort of animal control since last fall.

At that time, the county held meetings with representatives from the City of Hartwell to discuss sharing an animal control officer, but the two sides never came to a formal agreement.

Animal Control, Inc. representatives suggested then that a part-time animal control officer would cost both the county and the city about $8,500 a year.

Later, the Hart County Board of Commissioners voted to add the animal congtrol duties to the job of the Code Enforcement officer, but that plan has not worked out.

“We are in the process of discussing this,” Commissioner Joey Dorsey said Monday. “Commissioner Reyen asked that this be put on the agenda for tonight so we’ll discuss it again and see where it goes from there.”

Last year, the Hart County Humane Society offered to help pay for training of an animal control officer and Dorsey said Monday he recently contacted them about that again.

“I did question the Humane Society president about their comittment to helping fund some of this training and Ms Madkiff said yes they were still willing to help with the training so we’ll see where it goes.”

In other business, the board is expected to approve the 2010 millage rate tonight and adopt a rollback resolution.  Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30p at the Hart County Commission office in Hartwell.