FTC Warns of Fake COVID-19 Testing Sites

Scammers are taking advantage of the rush to get tested for COVID-19.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, scammers have created fake and unauthorized at-home testing kits and they can be hard to spot.

They look real, with legitimate-looking signs, tents, hazmat suits, and realistic-looking tests. And the damage these fake testing sites can cause is very real.

The FTC has received reports of these sites claiming to have ‘free tests’ — but then you’re later billed — and sometimes never receive the test that was promised.

Fake sites are taking people’s personal information, including Social Security numbers, credit card information, and other health information — which can be used for identity theft or to run up your credit card bill.

Worst of all, they’re not giving people the help they need to stay healthy.

The FTC offers a few tips when looking into testing sites.

First get a referral. Go somewhere you have been referred to by your doctor or state or local health department’s website, and don’t trust a random testing site you see around town.

Second, check the source. Did you hear about a new testing site on a neighborhood social media group or email listserv? That “neighbor” could actually be a scammer. See if the site is also listed on your state or local health department’s website.

And if you’re sure if a site is legit, check with your local police or sheriff’s office.

If a legitimate testing site has been set up, they should know about it. And, if a fake testing site is operating, they will want to know.

Think you already went to a fake site? If you shared your credit card information, plan to dispute the charge.

And if you have spotted a fake COVID-19 testing site, tell your local police or sheriff’s office.

You can also report it to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.