Free Breakfast and Lunches Coming to Franklin Co Schools

School Superintendent Melanie Burton Brown has announced a couple of changes for students beginning next fall for the 2024-2025 school year.

First, Burton-Brown announced that students in all grades will go to school from 8a to 3p.

She said the change from different hours for different grades came after hearing from parents of younger students who questioned why kindergarten students were in school from 8a to 3:15p when high school students got out at 3p.

Another change beginning in the fall is that all students will be able to eat breakfast and lunch at school for free.

Another benefit for school staff is the elimination of bookkeeping of those students who have paid for their lunch or owe money.

The free breakfast and lunch program for all students falls under the USDA’s CEP program or Community Eligibility Provision.

According to the USDA’s website, the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas.

CEP allows the nation’s highest poverty schools and districts to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications.

Instead, schools that adopt CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

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