Franklin Springs CC to Hold Called Meeting This Afternoon

The Franklin Springs City Council is holding a called meeting this evening to sign an intergovernmental agreement with the newly reformed Downtown Development Authority.

In April, the City Council voted to bring back the DDA, which had been non-active for several years.

At the time, Mayor Lee Moore told WLHR News bringing back the DDA will help with the town’s economic development plans.

“It will be a tremendous benefit to utilize. And also a DDA can be used to sell property that the City owns instead of listing it as surplus. So that’s why myself and the city council decided to resurrect our downtown development authority,” he said.
After that called meeting the Franklin Springs Downtown Development Authority will meet for its first public session.

On the agenda is the transfer of two public parcels of real property and a discussion of possible events for the City to hold.

The called city council meeting begins at 5:30p and the DDA meeting begins at 5:45p at Franklin Springs City Hall.

Both meetings are open to the public.