Franklin Planning Commission Criticized for Approving Poultry Farm Plan

Some property owners living near a planned two-story poultry house operation are speaking out about a decision by the Franklin County Planning Commission to approve the plan.

At their regular meeting April 6, a number of residents living near the planned chicken houses on SR59 voiced their opposition to the Board of Commissioners.

Most said the smell would be overwhelming. Others said it would impede any future economic development in the area.  Another concern is the new poultry farm’s close proximity to Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center.

The Board of Commissioners tabled approving the chicken houses and Commission Chair Thomas Bridges at that time, asked the Planning Commission to go back and review the plan again and come back with their recommendations.

But on Thursday, April 16, the Planning Commission met with the Larry Brown a second time.

At that time, Brown reportedly told the Planning Commission he has met all the setback regulations for the layer houses, according to a report in the Franklin County Citizen.  He also said the chicken house fans will be positioned towards a 100 acre tract of land, which he said will eliminate any odor problems for neighbors.  Additionally, he said a stand of trees will serve as a buffer between his farm and neighboring properties, including Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center.

Brown also promised no run-off to taint local water supplies and that all chicken litter would be trucked off the property.

Brown had already been given approval in 2006 to build the chicken houses, and after hearing from him for a second time, the Planning Commission voted on April 16 to approve his plan without bringing it before the Board of Commissioners a second time.  That vote was not publicized until April 23 when it appeared in the Franklin County Citizen.

At their work session Tuesday night, Lisa Brannen said the public was not made aware of the meeting on the 16th and had no chance to voice their concerns a second time.

“I’m really upset that the paper misrepresented or said that there  was no one there (at Planning Commission meeting) to offer opposition to the move to put layer houses there,” she told the BOC. “There may not have been anyone there, but I was not aware that was going to be talked about. Had I been aware, I would have been there.”

County Commission chair Thomas Bridges said the chicken houses would be discussed at Monday night’s regular meeting.

“There’s also a public hearing (Monday) where that will be addressed prior to our board meeting,” Commissioner Jeff Jacques said. “Which will again have opportunity for comments from those opposed and in favor.”

However, County manager Beth Thomas noted the Brown poultry house project was not on the Planning Commission public hearing agenda for Monday, nor was it slated for discussion at the Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting afterwards.

WLHR News asked why no public notice of the poultry house discussion by the Planning Commission was given to the local media so the public could be made aware of that meeting.  Thomas said she was not aware the media had not been notified of that meeting.

Bridges then asked that the Brown’s poultry house plan be put on the agenda for the both the Planning Commission and the Board of Commission meetings on Monday.