Franklin County Students Back in School Today

It’s the first day of the new school year for Franklin County students and motorists need to be aware that school buses are back on the road so be sure to watch for children crossing the road to get on and off the bus.

Also, motorists must stop in both directions when a school bus stops.

As students go back to class, a reminder for parents and caregivers on the COVID strategies for Franklin County schools this year.

The Franklin County Charter School system has posted on its website how schools will handle COVID-19 this year.

School Superintendent Chris Forrer says they have not changed their policy on masks for students.

“We are not mandating the wearing of masks but we highly encourage students to do so,” he said.

In the outline of procedures for dealing with COVID-19 much of what was in place last year will apply again this year.

All students and employees who are sick are required to stay home and any employee or student who becomes sick or exhibits symptoms at school or work will be immediately isolated and not allowed to remain at school.

All schools will have a room to isolate symptomatic individuals.

Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting will take place at all facilities and frequently touched surfaces within the school and on school buses will be cleaned and disinfected as needed.

Also, drinking fountains will be cleaned and sanitized regularly, but staff and students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to minimize touching.

Hand sanitizer will be available at stations throughout each school and on the school buses.

As for school visitors, non-essential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations will be limited.

Forrer said the district will continue to work with local health and the Department of Public Health officials to ensure a safe and healthy environment for Franklin County students.