Franklin County Schools Receive $50K Safety Education Grant

The Franklin County Charter System is the recipient of a Rural Education Safety grant in the amount of $50,000.

Franklin County is one of 66 rural school districts to receive the grant from the Georgia Department of Education.

In announcing the grant awards last week, State School Superintendent Richard Woods said student safety remains the top priority for the Georgia Department of Education and schools across the state.

The 66 rural district awardees may use the grant funds to purchase items, materials, or services that align with their school safety plans and meet all ESSER fund requirements and guidelines.

The districts must also demonstrate a partnership with local law enforcement or emergency management agencies.

At their meeting this week the Board of Education heard from acting School Superintendent Chuck Colquitt who outlined how the grant will be used.

“What we intend to do with that is further enhance our safety initiative by purchasing lock doors and key card readers for specific areas at each school; more two-way radios, key cards, cameras, and traffic safety equipment,” he said Monday. “So, hopefully, we’ll have key cards to get you guys in the main entrances. We’re just trying to upgrade everything we can if possible. I want to commend our EMS folks and Scott Andrews. He and I were here working on this grant over fall break but Scott did a great, great job.”

In all, the GDoE is awarding just over $3.1 million in grant funds for improving school safety practices and infrastructure.

Neighboring Madison County Schools also received $50,000 in safety grant money and Stephens County received $49,945.