More Help Needed in Franklin County Marshal’s Office Say Commissioners

With the problem of blighted properties so prevalent in certain areas of Franklin County, discussion Tuesday night at the County Commission work session turned to the overwhelming amount of work the County Marshal, Freddy Akins, has on his plate.

County Manager Derrick Turner said Akins spends most of his time addressing blight issues in the Gumlog area, which leaves little time to address problems in other parts of the county.

“We’re in budget season. I think we need to strongly look at adding at least one assistant to help the Marshal out. He’s spending 60% of his time in one area of the County.  What’s that taking away from the rest of the county? I think since we’re starting the budget process we need to see if there’s a way we can find another person to help the Marshal,” Commissioner Eddie Wester said.

Commission Chair Macomson agreed that creating an assistant position in the Marshal’s office should be considered in the next fiscal budget.

He said with the fiscal year ending June 30, however, the County would not be able to begin looking for an assistant until July.

Commissioner Ryan Swails also pointed out that the Board needs to have regular updates on situations the County Marshal is working on so they can stay informed and have a record of the problem and what’s being done to solve it.

“I have had people ask me about situations like what we’ve been discussing in the past and I don’t have any information to give them,” he said.

DeLozier said they are in the process of switching software which will make it possible for the Marshal to send commissioners a detailed report every month.

No vote was taken on the matter Tuesday evening.