Franklin BOE Considering High School Scheduling

The Franklin County School Board is being asked to consider how best to educate high school students next year when they begin using the new core building for the first time.

“The guiding overall for the design of the new core building was to create a 21st century learning environment for our kids,” O’Dell told the board at their work session last Thursday. “So we want to go into that building with a thoughtful design of the curriculum as well as the building.”

One of the main areas the board is being asked to consider is whether to continue using the block system of class scheduling or go back to a more traditional, linear scheduling plan.   On Thursday, the board heard from high school principal Brad Roberts and teacher Linda Frederick.

Frederick was part of a special subcommittee at the high school called, the Building Leadership Council. Frederick said the committee reviewed the results of a survey they conducted to find out which scheduling system teachers in other school systems preferred.

“Most of them agreed that the block schedule was the preferred route to take,” she told the board last week. “Most who preferred the traditional route were real specific saying they had always used the traditional scheduling method and that was what they were used to.” 

Frederick said there many advantages to continuing with the block schedule for both students and teachers.

“Some of the advantages for students to the block schedule include a lower drop out rate due to multiple opportunites for credit recovery,” Frederick said. “There are fewer discipline issues and more opportunity for active learning in the class instead of just “sitting and get,” there are more opportunities for active learning.  There’s less homework and more opportunities to take extra credit, take electives and participate in dual enrollment.”

Frederick said the advantage for teachers includes more planning time, fewer students over the course of a day, and extended lab time.

The board made no decision last week and are expected to get more information tonight at their regular meeting.  The Franklin County School board will meet at the administrative offices on Busha Road in Carnesville at 6p.