Franklin BOC Holds Off of Sheriff’s Dept Budget Amendment

The Franklin County commission delayed a vote to amend their newly passed FY15 budget to cover raises and higher insurance premiums for the Sheriff’s department.

At their regular meeting last week, the board heard from Commissioner Jeff Jacques who requested the delay.

“I would like to give county staff more time to come up with the numbers I have requested before I agree to vote on an amended budget,” Jacques said.

At a work session with the Sheriff’s department last month, Jacques questioned the Sheriff’s plan to increase their FY15 Budget from $3.2 million to $3.7 million.

Commissioners then questioned Sheriff Stevie Thomas on several line items including overtime pay, anticipated vehicle purchases and most of all, a substantial increase allocated to pay for housing out inmates in other facilities.

Ultimately, the board of commission voted to keep the Sheriff’s budget at $3.2 million and said any overages would have to first be approved by them via a special budget amendment.

However, Jacques said at the time, he would vote at the July meeting to amend the Sheriff’s budget to cover the 2% salary increase the commission voted to give to all county employees as well as the insurance coverage increases.

The board plans to approve that budget amendment at their next meeting in August.