Franklin BOC Launches Customer Service Initiative

Franklin County Commissioners are asking the public and staff to be courteous to one another.

To that end, Commission Chair Jeff Jacques announced a new customer service initiative and directed County Manager Derrick Turner to write a memo to staff letting them know they are supported by the Commission, and asked county staff to treat customers professionally.

“One of the visions and common goals that this Board has for us and our staff is customer service,” Jacques said Monday. “I work in the vast majority of counties in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina. I deal with city and county employees on a daily basis and I can tell you that we have some of the best employees. But we all need to sit back and just reflect. They have a job to do. They are working on behalf of the tax-paying citizen and should be appreciative and thankful for their jobs and work in their capacity to serve them (customers) in a professional manner.”

Jacques tells WLHR News that there have been issues brought to the Board by both employees and citizens.  That’s why he said the Board wants to make customer service a top priority.

Conversely, Jacques also exhorted citizens to respect the jobs County employees have to do.

“Just remember that these employees, they’re your friends, they’re your neighbors. They’re made out of the same stuff that you are. There are days when they’re having a tough day or a bad day. So, I would ask that you grant them a little grace. If there’s an issue with performance, that’s one thing. That goes to their manager or their constitutional officer, or County Manager. If it is a policy, regulation, or ordinance and they’re doing their job and you just disagree with the outcome, that comes to us or the County Manager.”

Commissioner Josh Smith added that throughout his career he learned the value of good customer service.

“I can you that customer service has been a part of my career ever since I’ve been working. It’s very important. To me, there are no exceptions when it comes to customer service. I use the word often when we speak when I say, ‘our customers’ on a frequent basis and that’s the way I see it. What I really mean is citizens,” he said.

Commissioners Busby and Foster agreed with Smith and County Manager Derrick Turner also expressed his gratitude to county staff for their hard work.