Fr. Spgs to Use One-Call System to Survey Residents on Sunday Alcohol Sales

Franklin Springs City Council is letting residents decide whether to allow Sunday package sales.

At their meeting last week, Mayor Lee Moore recommended using the City’s One-Call system to survey residents on the question before moving forward.

“At last month’s meeting, we were approached by the owner of a gas station to allow Sunday alcohol sales,” Moore explained. “I feel it is in our best interest to survey our residents through our One-Call system.”

However, before putting the survey out there, Moore said he wanted to wait to give as many residents of Franklin Springs as possible the opportunity to sign up for the free service.

“I would like to wait at least a month or two to give our residents who are not on One-Call to sign up,” he said. “Then we can do our own survey and let our people respond to the survey without having to do a vote.”

Moore said to go straight to a referendum would cost the city about $5,000. He said this would be a faster and more cost-effective way to let citizens voice their opinions.

“I would rather do our own referendum before we bring it to a vote to see if the citizens of Franklin Springs want this,” he said. “I think it’s our due diligence to allow our own people to speak and not us making a decision based on our own feelings. I think our citizens need that voice and that survey would give them that platform to have their voices heard.”

City Clerk Jackie Yearwood said she has a list of those citizens who have and have not registered for the One-Call service and said she would be contacting those who have not signed up advising them of the opportunity to do so.

No date was set as to when the Sunday alcohol sale question would be put on the Franklin Springs One Call system.