Fr BOC Chair Candidate Joe Greene Says Managing Growth is #1 Issue Facing County

Red Hill Fire Chief and former Fr Co BOE Chair Joe Greene is one of four candidates running for the job of Franklin County Commission Chair seat.

Speaking on Community Forum Sunday, Greene said this is a critical time for Franklin County as it looks to the future and how citizens want that future to look.

Greene was unable to attend the March 23 Political Forum so I asked him some of the same questions asked of the other the BOC chair candidates.

The consensus of all four candidates is that the biggest issue is managing the County’s growth, commercial, industrial, and residential, and how to manage that future growth without losing our rural lifestyle and long history of agriculture.

Greene says it’s a question of balance and learning from the mistakes of others.

Greene is running against, Courtney Long, Nic Mcfarlin, and Colt Hart.

The election is May 21.