Forrer, Clark Named Pioneers in Education for 2022

Two former school superintendents in Franklin and Hart Counties have been named Pioneers in Education for 2022.

Former Franklin County School Superintendent Chris Forrer and former Hart County School Superintendent Nancy Temple Clark were named at a special award ceremony last week by Pioneer RESA.

In making the award announcement to the Franklin County Board of Education last week, Acting School Superintendent Chuck Colquitt said no one better deserved the recognition than Forrer.

Forrer passed away on November 11 after a long battle with cancer and was recognized posthumously. His wife attended the ceremony and received the award on his behalf.

Forrer served as the Franklin County School Superintendent from 2019 until his death.

Nancy Clark was a longtime educator and Hart County Schools’ first female Superintendent.

Clark accepted the Pioneer in Education award at the award ceremony last week in Cleveland.

She was also honored by the Hart County Board of Education at their regular meeting Monday.

Clark was the first female school superintendent in Hart County.

“I have watched and admired Mrs. Clark from a distance for many years. You see, I had the privilege of being both a student and a teacher under her leadership. She has always carried herself in a professional, sophisticated manner. Others, including me, still sit a little taller in her presence and never want to disappoint her,” Superintendent Jennifer Carter said. “As I have transitioned into my new role as Superintendent, she has served as a source of encouragement, consistently reminded me to laugh and enjoy this journey, and offered a listening ear. We see one another monthly. Each time we talk, she leaves me with a few more nuggets of wisdom and for that I am appreciative. This year, it gives me great privilege to name Mrs. Nancy Temple Clark as Hart County’s Pioneer in Education.”

The Pioneer in Education awards honor individuals who go above and beyond every day to support students and staff in their respective schools and school systems.

Whether the service is to provide exceptional instruction, to create or strengthen community support, or to lend a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on when students and families need help, award recipients stand out in their efforts to make a difference.