Former U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson Launches Isakson Initiative

Former U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson has officially launched the Isakson Initiative, a not-for-profit organization, to raise awareness and funding for neurocognitive diseases, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and related dementia.

Isakson announced his definitive diagnosis with Parkinson’s in April of 2015 and retired midway through his third term as a U.S. senator in December 2019.

“Upon my retirement, I have rededicated my life to serving the people of Georgia and the United States by doing everything within my power to help those who are working toward a cure for Parkinson’s and other related neurocognitive issues,” Isakson said. “If our great nation continues to invest in public-private partnerships around biomedical research, we can improve and save the lives of millions of people. What a noble calling.”

The Isakson Initiative is the continuation of Isakson’s lifelong commitment to public service and his dedication to remaining a champion for advancements in biomedical research and development.

As the CEO of Northside Realty, in the Georgia Legislature, and in the U.S. Congress, Senator Isakson was a leading advocate for public/private research initiatives at the University of Georgia, Emory University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the Georgia Research Alliance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and other institutions and organizations around the world.

As chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Isakson became a renowned health care policy leader with his passage of the most comprehensive veterans reform legislation in half a century.

To learn more about the Isakson Initiative at