Focus on Cancer Seminar Tonight At Lavonia Methodist Church

A special seminar is coming up tonight in Lavonia for cancer patients and care givers.

Sponsored by Circle of Hope, the Lavonia, Carnesville, and Toccoa Women’s Clubs, the seminar is called Focus on Cancer and according to Circle of Hope director Mary Jo Fesperman is designed to offer help to those who are caregivers.

“Unfortunately, if there are eight of us in a row, two of us will be diagnosed this year with some form of cancer,” Fesperman said. “So, this is an opportunity to come and learn about new things on the horizon as far as prevention and also to find out about new cures that are out there and new medicines.”

In addition to the information available, Fesperman said there will also be several workshops taught by local cancer specialists.

“Dr. Laheary from the Toccoa Longstreet Cancer Center will be on hand and on Dr. Carringer, who now has an office in Lavonia will be there to talk about a new program he has for cancer patients,” Fesperman said.

An Oncology nurse will also be on hand to talk about erasing the fears associated with taking chemotherapy.

Tonight’s seminar is open to the public and takes place beginning at 7p at First United Methodist Church of Lavonia.