Emmanuel College Names White as New President

Photo courtesy: Emmanuel College

Photo courtesy: Emmanuel College

Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs has named Dr. Ron White as the new college president.

In the October 4, board meeting, the Emmanuel College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to change White’s position from interim president to president.

Board chair Linda Thomas noted White’s credentials qualify him for the position.

“The title of president strengthens his influence with organizations as he represents the college,” said Thomas. “His credentials certainly qualify him; but, more importantly, his heart for the ministry of this college strengthens his commitment to work diligently for its success. He understands that we are a Christ-centered institution dedicated to the mission of equipping our students to make a Godly impact on the world. Fellow board members and I look forward to working closely with Dr. White in the days ahead.”

Dr. White was introduced as the new president at the Annual Alumni Luncheon during Homecoming Weekend as Emmanuel celebrates 95 years.

White is a 1969 Graduate of Emmanuel and worked in enrollment management at Emmanuel from 1980 to 2002.

He also served as the Director of Singers for many of those years.

Before taking this new position, Dr. White was a full-time faculty member in the graduate school at Columbia College in South Carolina in the higher education and divergent learning programs.

He is also an associate consultant with Noel-Levitz in strategic enrollment planning and recruiting.
From 2002 to 2013, he served as Vice President for Enrollment Management at Columbia College.

When he was first named interim president earlier in the summer, Dr. White said Emmanuel’s future direction would come not from one man or one woman, but by working together, as a community, on behalf of the college and the Kingdom of God.

Dr. White has also emphasized the importance of prayer in addition to the work and collaboration required to operate a college.

Additionally, White has announced plans to organize a network of prayer partners around the globe as well as a regular time of prayer each week on campus for faculty, staff and students.