Elbert Memorial CEO Announces Retirement

Big news out of November’s regular meeting of the Elbert Memorial Hospital Authority board. Elbert Memorial CEO Jim Yarborough was presented via video conference the Hospital Leader of the Year award from HomeTown Health. Yarborough was selected out of a pool of 70 rural hospital leaders in the southeast. However, that was not the big news from the meeting as Yarborough had a special announcement towards the end of the open part of the meeting. “I’ve actually made a personal decision to retire, and I notified AnMed of my intent on October 6th to retire with a 90 day notice and that notice will be up on January 5th”, announced Yarborough. He says once his retirement is final that he would be available to assist on a contractual basis. “Made recommendations on a plan for the transition and a leadership plan to make that transition”, said Yarborough. “


If in fact that my services are needed after that date, I also offered my services on a contracted basis if in fact my services were requested to continue in whatever capacity.” Yarborough says he will miss his time spent at Elbert Memorial Hospital. “I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the EMH team and Elbert County”, stated Yarborough. “I will surely miss the good people I have been privileged to be associated with. Thank you very much.” AnMed Health and the hospital’s executive committee have been working on a transition plan said Yarborough. However, no details on that plan were released or discussed at the meeting.