Early Voting Ends Today for General Primary Election

People votingThis is the last day to vote early in the General Primary Election and officials in Franklin and Hart counties say people have been rushing in to cast their ballots ahead of next Tuesday.

Hart County Registrar John Stercho said what started out as a slow early voting period last week, is ending with a bang.

“We were blown out this week,” he said. “We’re approaching 400.  It’s been a tremendous turnout.  We’re seeing early voting numbers we have not see before.”

Stercho said the confusion among votes earlier this month regarding having to declare a party in order to vote seems to have straightened out.

 “It has cleared up, and thank you for your coverage because people have come in and said they heard it on the radio, so thank you for your coverage,” he said.

In Franklin County, votes are going to the Elections and Registrations office in Carnesville to cast their early ballots.  

“We’ve had 295 people come in the office and we’ve sent out 72 absentee ballots in the mail,” she said. “It is kind of slow considering we have over 10,000 registered voters.” 

Early voting ends in Hart County at 5p today and at 4:30p this afternoon in Franklin County.  There will be no early voting either Saturday or on Monday. If you cannot early vote today, you will have to wait until next Tuesday to vote at your regular precinct.