Dr. Vicki Hollinshead Receives 2023 Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award

Emmanuel College has recognized Dr. Vicki Hollinshead as the winner of the 2023 Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award.

Dr. Hollinshead was presented the award on May 6, at Emmanuel’s Spring Commencement ceremony.

Established in 1991, the Vulcan Teaching Excellence Awards is presented to a member of the faculty in recognition of excellence in teaching, commitment to student success, and leadership to enhance the campus community.

Dr. Hollishead has served Emmanuel for 26 years in the School of Education.

Since 2002, she has served as either the Dean or Chair of the department.

“The Vulcan award recognizes an outstanding faculty member who demonstrates strong academic skills in the classroom and provides leadership and support in the other areas of campus life,” said Vice President for Academics, Dr. Janet Coleman. “In my short time as Vice President, I have already had several local school leaders sing praises to me about the quality teachers that Emmanuel College produces. That is a living testament to this year’s recipient, Dr. Vicki Hollinshead.”

She earned her associate degree in general education from Emmanuel, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from UGA, her master’s degree, Specialists, and Ph.D. in Education, all from UGA.