DNR Set To Crack Down on BUI Over the Independence Holiday

As the July 4th holiday approaches, Georgia Game Wardens will be focusing on keeping boaters safe by cracking down on boating under the influence. Across the state, they will be conducting heightened awareness and enforcement of boating under the influence (BUI) laws as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign.
In partnership with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), DNR’s Law Enforcement Division is working to increase boater awareness of the hazards associated with BUI, and decrease the number of accidents and deaths attributed to impaired boating and other unsafe boating practices.
Starting today, June 30th and running through July 4, boaters will notice an increase in the numbers of officers on the water as DNR will have all their available Game Wardens working Georgia’s waterways. They will arrest and remove all impaired operators, as to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all boaters.
You can Visit operationdrywater.org for more information about boating under the influence and boater safety.