Circle of Hope to Host “Focus on Cancer” Seminar Tonight

A special seminar is coming up tonight in Lavonia for cancer patients and care givers.

Sponsored by Circle of Hope, the seminar is called Focus on Cancer and according to Circle of Hope director Mary Jo Fesperman is designed to offer help to those who are caregivers.

“This is an opportunity for us to celebrate survivors and t heir caregivers,” Fesperman said. “Even if you are not a survivor or caregiver, we would still like for you to come to learn more about cancer in general.”

This is the second annual Focus on Cancer seminar and it’s taking place at the Lavonia United Methodist Church beginning at 6p.

Fesperman said there are number of activities planned as well as several new things this year, including personal hosts for cancer survivors and caregivers.

“When you enter, you will immediately be welcomed by a cancer survivor and also a caregiver,” she said. “they are the host and hostess for survivors this year. Also, a church in Toccoa has put together little goody bags for cancer survivors as a welcome gift for them.”

Also new this year will be a number of vendors just for cancer survivors and caregivers.

“All of the vendor will present something for a cancer survivor,” Fesperman said. “It might be supplies that they need. It might be an additional way for them to obtain funding. There are about three foundations, in addition to Circle of Hope, that offer funding for cancer survivors.”

Also available tonight will be an oncology nurse to answer questions and a psychiatrist who specializes in depression related to cancer.

Food and beverages will be provided and Fesperman said visitors are not obiligated to stay for the entire seminar.

Again, tonight’s Focus on Cancer seminar begins at 6p at Lavonia First United Methodist Church and is free and open to the public.