Deals Says Athiest Materials at State Parks OK

Gov. Nathan Deal said Athiest materials at State Park lodges and cabins is fine, but he can’t say how the public might react.  Deal said Tuesday “if somebody doesn’t want to read the Gideon Bibles, they don’t have to take it out of the drawer. If there is some atheist literature, they don’t have to read it,” according to the […]

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Franklin County Clerk Announces Retirement

The search is on for a new county clerk in Franklin County. County clerk Laverne Hilley has announced she will retire at the end of this fiscal year.  Her last day is June 28th.  County manager Billy Morse said his office is already accepting applications. “The position is being advertised and we’re already receiving resumes,” Morse said. “The close date […]

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11 Confirmed E. coli Cases Traced to Toccoa Restaurant

The number of cases in a Stephens County E. coli outbreak is now up to 11 and state health officials believe the likely source is a Toccoa restaurant. In an e-mail statement released Monday night, District Two Public Health Spokesman Dave Palmer said 10 Georgia residents and one South Carolina resident have been confirmed as having a strain of E. […]

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Two Cases of Rabies Reported in Franklin County

Franklin County Health officials are warning of the dangers of rabid wildlife. Two rabies cases have been reported in Franklin County over the past month, according to County Environmental Health Director Louis Korff.   The first happened May 8th  on Nicholas Way, a heavily populated neighborhood in Royston.   Royston Police officers were called to the home on a report of a […]

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