Canon Fire Dept, The ARK to hold Touch-A-Truck Events Saturday

This a reminder that the Canon Fire Department will hold a Touch A Truck Contest on Saturday at 42 Brown St. in Canon across from Canon City Hall.

The competitor who holds his or her hand on the fire truck for the longest time without breaching the rules will win a $1,000 prize.

The event will also feature T-shirts for sale for $20 and hot dog plates for $5. Kona Ice will also be there.

Check-in will begin at 7 a.m., with the competition to start at 8 a.m. Registration fee is $30 and registration forms are available from any Canon firefighter, at Canon City Hall and at Williams Used Cars in Royston.

The deadline to register is 7:45a May 13.


And The Ark is also hosting a Touch-a-Truck event Saturday in their parking lot at Springs Station Drive in Franklin Springs.

Children will be able to see, touch and explore their favorite emergency vehicles. There will also be face painting and other fun family activities.

Their event runs from 9a to 12:30p and is free.